Ideal Customer Checklist

You are

  • A mid-large sized international company with at least 50+ people managers
  • A believer that good managerial mindsets & behaviour can drive meaningful business performance improvements
  • Learner-focused, committed and solving a real problem that senior leadership cares about
  • Willing to embrace new digital learning techniques
  • Able to invest $1,500-$30,000+ to accelerate your progress in this area

You want to

  • Identify specific leadership skills your managers need to stop/start/accelerate to make them better leaders
  • Understand what’s really going on (good & bad) in conversations between managers and their teams
  • Provide evidence that managers are translating their leadership knowledge into specific behaviours (consistently)
  • Convince company leadership of the specific areas you need to improve to align with the vision for corporate culture
  • Show tangible, data driven improvement for your behavioural skills investments