Customer Testimonials

Gaini Tanayeva

Regional HR Director, Ferring Pharmaceuticals

“I think the reports you provided helped us see our progress, understand our improvements and think about what can be done in the future.It also showed us how we can measure the impact of this type of leadership investment (historically a challenge for us!)”

Rebecca Wilson

CEO at RW Scale-up Adviser

“After completing two Experience Accelerator programs, I think the value in terms of time is huge, the value in terms of impact is huge. And then of course the value in terms of money is also huge, it’s just win, win, win.”

James Brook

Managing Director, Plexus Leadership

“This is a really innovative HR/EdTech company that you should check out. It helps accelerate learning and knowledge transfer into real behaviour change through online practice, reflection and coaching. Give it a try, you’ll be glad you did.”

Anette Hunziker

Data Scientist

“A delightful practical guide for leaders of every level. The course provides clear and actionable advice, addresses your specific challenges and directly solidifies your new leadership skills through practice. A must-have for aspiring leaders!”

Deborah Kessler

Director of Development
University of Arizona Foundation

“The program provided a tool-kit to move beyond my habitual thought-patterns to achieve my next level of success.I highly recommend the “Developing your Growth Mindset” program”

In answer to the statement:
“The Experience Accelerator experiences were useful for my development”
DP World Leadership Cohort scored us 4.72/5.0

Quote from a student reflective essay:
“I do really appreciate that you gave us a chance to practice feedback because it is an essential skill that we have to use on a frequent basis in order to make our work more effective.”

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